Thursday, December 27, 2012

the day

its going from bad to worse....
i don't know the answers for which i have thousands of questions.
each question taking a toll on my brain, deteriorating its ability to think RIGHT....
crumbling the round under my feet...
closing the walls in....

yea, but i still have life.... 
my heart still beats at an average rate of 72bpm.
my brain still feels it has to think...
my legs eager to run for what i'm thinking to achieve in my life...
my hands ready to embrace the surprises life throws at me....
my muscles ready to bear the pain in the process...

Its not easy though...
it needs courage, support, love, patience, endurance, spirit.
There is still light at end of the tunnel... should reach it...

If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.

Yes, i'm crawling, strength to strength gathering the pace, 
trying to stand on my foot, trying to walk on my heels, 
planning to run on my toes... 
finally, waiting for the day to fly.

The day is so soon gonna come. 

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